Multipurpose Ikea Ice Cube Trays


As I prepare for my baby boys 1st birthday I always keep an eye out for anything that could make a cute cheap addition…. I happened to come across these silicone like ice trays at Ikea and couldn’t help but think, “These would make cute chocolate molds.” They even say.”For water only” on them.  But, at $.99 a piece and with a lot of fun shapes to choose from, I did it anyway.
°After cleaning the trays, I sprayed them lightly with a can of cooking oil spray (I prefer coconut).
°I then purchased my favorite bag of chocolate chips and in a separate bowl I popped them in the microwave to melt. (30 seconds- 1minute depending on the amount then stir)
°Once the chips are melted into a creamy texture I pour them into the oil sprayed trays.
°Slightly tap the tray against the surface to settle the chocolate.
°Then take the linear edge of a spatula and pass it over the top to even out the excess, if any.
°Put in the fridge for about 5 to 10 minutes and you have yourself some cute chocolates

The best part about these trays, with them being silicone you can flip them over and easily pop out the chocolates.
Once you think you got it figured out you can start getting creative and adding colors, nuts, flavors etc.

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